Kirby UK Meetup 1

Kirby UK Meetup 1
Katies Vinyl bar & Kitchen, Gosport, PO12 1EA
21st June 2025 at 18:00  -  21st June 2025 till 23:00
2 member/s
An infromal meetup for Kirby developers in the UK (Open to anyone in the Kirby Community!) Easiest way to get to the venue is by train (there is no trainstation in Gosport!!). From London catch a train from Waterloo to Portsmouth Harbour and catch the Gosport Ferry just outside the tain station (turn left out of the staion and walk down the ramp.) Keep the ferry ticket, as it's a return ticket. The venue is a short walk on the Gosport side of the Ferry. Best place to stay would be the Travel Lodge hotel which happens to be ooposite the venue,


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      Katies Vinyl bar & Kitchen, Gosport, PO12 1EA
      Download iOS App
      Scan to Join
      Kirby UK Meetup 1